Thursday, 29 November 2012

Ads that use sex to sell their products.

Advertisement that use sex to boost the sale of their products.

American Apparel Ad fleeflex

Almost all the ads that are produced by American Apparel are related to sex.

The advertisements use young girl as their model, targeting the young people to purchase their products.

American Apparel uses young girls as their models of choice, not the supermodels type of models but the neighbourhood-looking of girls. I personally think that this implying that american apparel is suggesting that everyone, every girls in the society can wear like them be, like them because the models are just like them, it makes them feel connected. Young teenage girls will have the tendency drowning towards this because at that time they are in the rebellious period and they are curious to try out the things they never tried before.

In my opinion, the advertisements are using the young girls to expose their body, posing erotic pose and  in directly provoking the audience of having the sex idea. Some of the advertisements are also encouraging homosexual relationship. For me, the advertisements are definitely overly sexy, they are like using sex to grab the attention from the audience but not promoting and selling their products. They are using sex as their selling point.

I would find it very disturbing because all the models, they are just like us, normal people but they are doing some sexually-inviting pose, instilling the temptation of having sex to the audience. I find it strange because why must the models expose their body? Does that really help in selling their product? Well, okay. Maybe. But showing these ads to the public is like arousing the audience to have sex.

However, even though there are a lot of complaints being made about american apparel being too loud in selling sex instead of their products, i wonder why that the ads still go on with this theme.