Tuesday, 7 August 2012

"..According to W. A. Ewing, for example, 'what put the body squarely in the centre of debate is not fashion but urgency.'"

Reference: Cavallaro, D. (2001) The Body. London: The Athlone Press.

I truly agreed this statement. What causes the body to constantly be a centre issues to talk about/debate is not fashion but such urgency or desire from the human about their body. It is because of human desire, their urge to do something to their body, to be skinny, introducing different kinds of diet product and that continuously keeping this a hot topic. In my opinion, fashion is a culture that it is being reflected in many forms, be it in outfit, make up, hairstyle, accessories, etc. It does not put the body into  a debatable issue, it is human urgency in their heart wanting to reshape their body and that urge lead to many impossible things to happen

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