Monday 25 February 2013

Overweight people promote fashion in China

Overweight people promote fashion in China

"...At 198 pounds, 30-year-old Wu Nan is the heaviest "official model" for Taobao, a Chinese website equivalent to eBay. Nicknamed "Pangpang" (fatty in Chinese), Wu is a professional plus-size model.

However, she said she used to isolate herself because of her weight.

"I gained 70 pounds after giving birth to my son. I felt totally distorted," she said, adding that she quit her job as a French translator and locked herself indoors at home. "I was afraid of meeting friends. I didn't go to clothing stores, because they didn't offer my size."

During the three years following her pregnancy, she tried every means to lose weight, but never succeeded. But one day, she saw a picture of a British plus-size woman named Chloe Marshall, a size 16 and competitor in the Miss United Kingdom beauty pageant.

"I thought, 'why don't I give myself a second chance?' A chance to be beautiful without being slimmed down," Wu said.

She went to a plus-size tailor not far away from her home in south China's city of Shenzhen and volunteered to be a model.

"I gradually accepted the larger me in front of the camera," said Wu, "I was still trying to lose weight, but I love who I am now."



Overweight people promote plus-size fashion in China (2012). Retrieved on 26 January 2013 from

The History of Plus Size Models

The History of Plus Size Models

"Up until the 20th century, voluptuous women had been revered and captured on canvas by master artists. From the classical era through the Renaissance, Barouque and Rococo eras, artists' models were what today would be considered plus-sized. Historically, people who were thin were generally less affluent.A healthy figure was a reflection of prosperity, and models and movie stars reflected the look of the general population. For example, actress Lillian Russell, who was one of the biggest stars of the late 1800s and early 1900s, weighed in at 200 pounds in her prime years."

"... In the late 1980s, the fashion industry began to take notice after having ignored this segment of the population for years. Women were increasingly demanding better fashion and wanted to see models that more accurately reflected their own image. A major breakthrough came in 1988 when Liz Claiborne introduced the Elisabeth line.Fashion-hungry females were thrilled to finally be able to purchase stylish clothes by their favorite designers in larger sizes...."


The History of Plus Size Models (n.d.). Retrieved on 12 February 2013 from

Saturday 23 February 2013

Tyra Banks Talks Weight & Self-Esteem On HuffPost Live (VIDEO),Self-esteem in a broad-spectrum approach for mental health promotion,COVER STORY: Tyra Banks Speaks Out About Her Weight..etc

Tyra Banks Talks Weight & Self-Esteem On HuffPost Live (VIDEO)

This is a interview video about Tyra Banks sharing her knowledges about weight, self-esteem, beauty flaws and what she had done or planned to help women with their self-esteem.

Tyra's struggle:

"When I was 11 years old, I grew three inches and lost 30 pounds in three months. So I went from being a mean bully, cute little chubby little girl to shooting up, [weighing] 98 pounds and just looking sick and frail. I wasn't sick, but people thought there was something wrong with me. I was the brunt of every joke, every bad thing. I hated my reflection in the mirror. I would try to stuff food down my throat to gain weight. Nothing would work. I lived at the hospital with needles in my arms trying to figure out what was wrong with me."


Adams, R. (2012) Tyra Banks Talks Weight & Self-Esteem On HuffPost Live (VIDEO). Retrieved on 23 February 2013 from

Self-esteem in a broad-spectrum approach for mental health promotion

"Self-esteem has been found to be the most dominant and powerful predictor of happiness (Furnham and Cheng, 2000)."

"positive self-esteem is associated with mental well-being, adjustment, happiness, success and satisfaction. "


Mann, M., M. H. Hosman, C., P. Schaalma, H. and K. de Vries, N. (2004) Self-esteem in a broad-spectrum approach for mental health promotion. Health Education Research 19(4), 357 and 359. Retrieved on 23 February 2013 from

COVER STORY: Tyra Banks Speaks Out About Her Weight

"On her hit show America's Next Top Model,Tyra Banks has always stressed the importance of body confidence – but it still hurt when tabloids ran an unflattering photo of her in a bathing suit under headlines that screamed, "America's Next Top Waddle" and "Tyra Porkchop.""

"But, she adds, "I've made millions of dollars with the body I have, so where's the pain in that? If I was in pain, I would have dieted. The pain is not there – the pain is someone printing a picture of me and saying those (horrible) things." "


COVER STORY: Tyra Banks Speaks Out About Her Weight (2007). Retrieved on 23 February 2013 from,,20009611,00.html

Adele Responds To Karl Lagerfeld's 'Fat' Remark

Fashion designer, Karl Lagerfeld criticised Adele for being a little too fat.

 "Lagerfeld toldMetro, "The thing at the moment is Adele. She is a little too fat, but she has a beautiful face and a divine voice.""

But, Adele fought back and says,

"I've never wanted to look like models on the cover of magazines," the 23-year-old told People. "I represent the majority of women and I'm very proud of that."


Adele Responds To Karl Lagerfeld's 'Fat' Remark (2012). Retrieved on 23 February 2013 from


More and more people are showing their admiration towards Adele despite having a plus-size figure.

""I don’t care how much she weighs, she looks gorgeous to me.  And when she sings… it’s like an angel is calling me to her,” said Ian Barstow of Tottenham, England."

"“I like a woman with curves.  I’m sick of those anorexic models,” said Jack Hillstrom of Chicago, Illinois."

"“And she’s happy with her body.  Most woman are so unhappy with their bodies. I love that about Adele,” said Steve Fordham of Boston.""


Vann, T. (2011) Sexiest Woman Alive: Adele. Retrieved on 23 February 2013 from

Karl Lagerfeld

This is basically the biography of the fashion designer, Karl Lagerfeld who criticised Adele's 


Wigham, H. (2011) Karl Lagerfeld. Retrieved on 23 February 2013 from