Tuesday, 3 July 2012

Body image in 1960s

1960s- Women started to accept skirt hems and pants

Dieting becomes popular. In 1963, Weight Watcher is founded, 500000 members are recruited and grosses $5.5 million in revenues.

Amphetamines were prescribed by the doctors to the women that are seeking for weight loss.

1963- The Modern American women's movement was reignited by "The Feminine Mystique'' by Betty Friedan

1965- The average fashion model weighs eight percent less than the average American woman.

The National Organization for Women, advocating women's rights is founded in America.

1967- Twiggy, British fashion model weighing 91 pounds on a 5-foot-7 inch frame, triggering a shift in average sizes for fashion models.

1968- Feminists burn bras, make up and high heels to protest the Miss America beauty pageant.

Reference: Dixon, K., Kary, T. and Maccarone, D. (n.d.) Body as History timeline. 4 July 2012. Retrieve from http://web.jrn.columbia.edu/newmedia/projects/masters/bodyimage/history/1960s.html

Based on the information, 1960s to 1970s had been a vital year for women in the sense that they are getting more and more desperate in weight-loss. With the influence from the media, weight-watchers, women figure like Twiggy even some new medication has introduced by the doctors for women who wanted to lose weight.

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