Tuesday, 17 July 2012

" The Hippie Movement of the late 1960's incorporated bohemian ideals. Centered on creativity of life and dress, hippie style included elements of historic costume, ethnic dress, and a rejection of mainstream life. 
Greenwich Village, New York or The Village was a gathering place for impoverished artists and writers in the 20th century, a haven for the creative communtiy as a distinctive minority group.
The Left Bank In the early 20th century, the Montparnasse area of Paris France was a hub of creativity that attracted artists, writers, and intellectuals. Here, people like Marc Chagall, Ernest Hemingway, Henri Matisse, and others were able to live cheaply, meeting in bistros and restaurants to share ideas.
La Boheme and the Musical Rent - The musical Rent is based on Puccini's opera La Boheme. The story revolves around a group of artists living the bohemian life and their struggles with poverty and disease.
Sherlock Holmes - Arthur Conan Doyle's first short story featuring Sherlock Holmes included Doctor Watson's description of the famous fictional detective's 'bohemian soul.'
Paul Poiret - The early 20th century fashion designer reworked a variety of ethnic designs for Western fashion. His use of elements of Russian peasant costume, Middle Eastern, oriental, and historic dress introduced bohemian concepts int high fashion that eventually bled into mainstream fashion.
William and Jane Morris - William Morris was a designer who created alternative textiles for clothing and interior design, known for his involevment in liberal socialism, historic preservation and known as an early environmentalist. He also designed clothes for his wife, Jane Morris, a model who became an icon of the Aesthetic and Arts and Crafts movements in her loose, medieval style dresses and abundant long hair.
Dorelia McNeill was a model for the artists Gwen and Augustus John in the late 19th and early 20th centuries. Augustus and Dorelia lived a gypsy life in a caravan while he painted her in long, loose skirts and scarves as they lived in a personal bohemian utopia."

Some influences of bohemian concept in several aspects. Bohemian often associated with hippies as d concept of hippies, no war, free love is similar to bohemian living in a carefree life. The movie sherlock holmes also being portrayed as someone who does not care about his appearance.

Reference: Monet, D. (2012) Boho, The Fashion History of Bohemian Style. Retrieve 15 July 2012 from http://doloresmonet.hubpages.com/hub/BohoTheFashionHistoryofBohemianClothes

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