Monday, 14 January 2013

Plus Size Women Feel ‘Betrayed And Insulted’ By Crystal Renn’s Startling Slimdown

Former plus size model and anorexia survivor Crystal Renn’sdramatic weight loss has sparked outrage in the plus size community who have supported her and helped launch her career, is exclusively reporting.
“Everyone rallied around her and now she’s turned against us,” PLUS Model Magazine Editor-in-Chief Madeline Jones told in an exclusive interview. “We have been betrayed by her.”
As previously reported, the 5’9” beauty was a shadow of her former self when she walked the red carpet in a skintight scarlet Zac Posen gown at the New York premiere of Madonna’s W.E. on Monday night, prompting fears she has fallen back into bad habits.
“We supported her one hundred percent.”
“After Emme, Crystal was the biggest plus size supermodel in our era and a lot of readers aspired to be like her,” explained Jones, adding that now they feel betrayed by the fashion icon they helped make a star.
The 25-year-old model has been open about her struggles with eating disorders in the past, penning a tell-all bookcalled Hungry: A Young Model’s Story of Appetite, Ambition and the Ultimate Embrace of Curves.
Jones for one doesn’t believe her explanation. “You don’t lose that much weight doing yoga and hiking! You have to put a  lot of effort  to go from a 14 to a size 6,” she told “We’re not that stupid, we know how hard it is to lose weight and she insulted our intelligence.
She went on to enjoy several years as a plus-sized model before revealing in November 2010 that she had dropped several dress sizes due to taking up hiking and yoga.
“The thinner she got the more she was being pitched to mainstream brands. Suddenly the same woman who wrote Hungry was slimming and slimming.
“Once she got down to a size 10 she lost the support of a lot of people. We’re disappointed because she was our star fighting for equality and fashion for us, and now she’s going to their side.
“It is sad that she’s turned her back on us,” lamented Jones.
Renn recently blasted back to critics on her Ford Models blog: “When this whole weight loss thing happened, I think that a lot of people wanted to point their finger at somebody. I think that they wanted to find a conspiracy where there absolutely was none,” she wrote.
“She should have said she wasn’t comfortable in her skin anymore and wanted to make more money. Instead she has deceived us and we feel insulted!
While Jones understands that it is Renn’s freedom of choice to lose weight, she says she should have been honest about her motivations.
“It would be great for her to come out with a better explanation, though I doubt we will get one.

Source taken from: 

Emery, D. (2012)  Size Women Feel ‘Betrayed And Insulted’ By Crystal Renn’s Startling Slimdown. Retrieve on 14 January 2013 from://

Personal opinion: Crystal renn who used to experiencing eating disorder became a plus size models for a perios of time but then after that she lose weight and become size 8. Plus size model agency felt being betrayed by her for they have been supporting her 100% for being plus size. However, I felt that if she’s really lost her weight due to hiking and yoga for health sake, wouldn’t it be better? 

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