Saturday, 26 January 2013

Celebrities embracing their curves

Celebrities embracing their curves

Oprah’s Weight Loss Confession

Oprah Winfrey

"It's no secret that Oprah has struggled with her weight for decades. Over the years, she's spoken candidly about bouncing from one diet to the next, emotional eating and her drug of choice—potato chips. In 1988, The Oprah Show received its highest ratings of all time when Oprah celebrated a 67-pound weight loss by wheeling a wagon full of fat onto the stage. Soon after, her size 10 jeans didn't zip and the pounds began to add up again."

"When Oprah gains weight, she says it means her life is out of balance. "It's not about the food. It's about using food—abusing food," she says. "Too much work. Not enough play. Not enough time to come down. Not enough time to really relax."

Over time, she discovered what she was really hungry for. "I am hungry for balance," she says. "I'm hungry to do something other than work."

"Oprah's says her new goal isn't to be thin. "My goal is to be the weight that my body can hold and be healthy and strong and fit and be itself," she says. "One of the things I had to learn to do is to embrace this body that I have and be grateful for what this body has given me. ... God blessed me and this body. I mean, I could weep right now thinking about the love and appreciation I have for this body. For that, I am truly grateful."

"...When you love yourself enough, you take care of yourself."


Greene, B. (2009) Oprah’s Weight Loss Confession. Retrieve on 26 January 2013 from

What I Know For Sure

"Sixteen years ago, when spiritual teacher Marianne Williamson was first on my show to talk about her book A Return to Love , I asked her why she thought I was having such struggles with my weight. She wrote me a letter saying this: "Until you accept the magnitude of your function, your unconscious mind will sabotage any attempt to show your full magnificence..."

"It is indeed a miracle when you realize the fullness of who you are. You're not your body, and for sure you're not your body image."


Winfrey, O. (2008) What I Know For Sure. Retrieved on 26 January 2013 from

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